Established in 2008 by designer Kristy Barber, Kuwaii is an alternative to mass-produced fashion with a loyal following across Australia. Designed and made in Melbourne, each Kuwaii piece of clothing and footwear is meticulously crafted to last from quality materials.

We were approached to refresh the Kuwaii brand, updating the foundations on which the design language was built to provide much-needed consistency across various communication avenues, whilst respecting and building on the legacy of the Kuwaii brand. After a period of evaluation, a series of careful updates were carried through, including the subtle redrawing of the existing Kuwaii logo, the introduction of a new typeface, colour palette and accent pattern.

The subsequent overhaul of all physical brand touchpoints resulted in a more cohesive customer experience; ensuring a seamless visual language whether visiting one of the three Kuwaii stores across Melbourne or receiving an online order.

Year completed: 2021
Photography by: Shelley Horan
Scope: Packaging, Print

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